Vision and approach to innovation capacity
Along with 50% of cities surveyed, Oulu has an explicit innovation strategy. Similar to more than half of cities surveyed, Oulu approaches innovation capacity both from a holistic/macro level, as well as in specific policy areas.
Policy areas that Oulu is focused on
Built environment
Environment and climate change
Digital Health: Oulu Selfcare Service, co-created with OuluHealth partners, is a personal online welfare service for all residents of Oulu. The service is one of the most utilized and well-received online services. By 2018, over 50 % of the Oulu residents (104,000) registered as users, most of them over 65 years and two thirds are women. Estimated savings between 2012-2017 are almost €3 million. The city is in the process of scaling up Oulu Selfcare Service.
Environment: The City of Oulu Environmental Program was approved by the Oulu City Board in 2019. Environmental Program defines objectives, targets, measures and indicators to maintain and improve a good state of the environment and ensuring the city's vitality. The carbon-neutral Oulu 2040 guideline is the most central document steering the environment program. Digitization and digital tools are one of the key enablers for sustainable urban development, contributing to the reduction in energy consumption in real estate and rented apartments.
Policy areas by number of cities
Oulu utilizes 5 different innovation skills or roles
Project manager
Data scientist
Communication officer
Innovation roles by number of cities
Oulu’s innovation work is sprinkled throughout the municipal administration. Besides a limited number of staff dedicated to innovation work, there are experts in various departments contributing to the city’s innovation efforts.