Vision and approach to innovation capacity
Along with 50% of cities surveyed, Sofia has an explicit innovation strategy. Similar to more than half of cities surveyed, Sofia approaches innovation capacity both from a holistic/macro level, as well as in specific policy areas.
Policy areas that Sofia is focused on
Digital governance
Digital governance: See examples in the Spotlight above.
Transport/mobility: There are over 200 smart intersections in Sofia equipped with sensors that detect every passing car, cameras that show the real-time situation in key locations, buttons to help pedestrians proceed faster, and controllers to collect all the information and manage part of the process automatically. The city is in the process of implementing a digital ticketing system that is going to replace paper tickets. Since February 2020, Sofia has been testing a car equipped with a computer and cameras that automatically detect vehicles that have not paid for their parking in the city center.
Policy areas by number of cities
Sofia utilizes 4 different innovation skills or roles
Project manager
Data scientist
Community engagement staff
Communication officer
Innovation roles by number of cities
The Digitalization, Innovation and Investments Unit (supporting new approaches and pilot projects) consists of 10 staff. The ICT Unit (responsible for e-government and system implementation) consists of 40 staff. Both units are led by the Deputy Mayor for Digitalization, Innovation and Economic Development.